


作者:余光辉    浏览次数:    责任编辑:    审核:    上传:    发布时间:2024-04-30


职务/职称: 院长/教授  



博士生导师。家民委中青年英才计划入选者,湖北省杰出青年基金获得者。获得华南师范大学硕士、武汉大学博士学位。德国 University of Hohenheim、加拿大University of Guelph, 英国University of Warwick访问学者。长期从事γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)信号在植物发育中的调控机制研究。主持和参与国家自然科学基金9项、主持湖北省自然科学基金杰出青年基金1项。出版十二五主编教材《图解细胞生物学实验教程》一部,获中国石油和化学工业优秀出版物奖(优秀教材奖)二等奖。获国家发明专利7项,成果转化1项。Chemistry and BiologyJournal of experimental botanyplant physiology Frontiers in Plant Sciences期刊发表论文,获湖北省自然科学奖三等奖1项。







1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32270364,GLR介导的GABA信号模式调控细胞极性生长的分子机制. 54万,2023/01-2026/12,在研,主持

2. 基于生物节律的GABA调控拟南芥开花时间的基因网络解析.国家自然科学基金. 基金号31270361, 2013-2016, 80万,主持

3. 蓝藻三个CO2转运和固定相关基因对提高水稻光合效率的研究. 国家自然科学基金.  基金号31271699, 2013-2016, 74万,第二参与人

4. 水稻雌蕊发育新调控基因ST1的分子机制研究.基金号31201091, 2013-2015, 24万,第二参与人

5. γ-氨基丁酸调控花粉管向性生长的信号转导途径与分子机制.国家自然科学基金. 基金号30700427, 2008-2010, 17万,主持

6. 水稻CMS-HL胞质不育基因HL-sp1表达产物及其生物学功能研究.国家自然科学基金. 基金号30771163, 2008-2010, 28万,参与

7. 烟草花粉细胞膜和细胞质蛋白质组及其对γ-氨基丁酸信号的响应. 科技部973子课题, 基金号2007CB947602, 2008-2012, 15万,主持


1. Fu H, Zhong J, Zhao J, Huo L, Wang C, Ma D, Pan W, Sun L, Ren Z, Fan T, Wang Z, Wang W, Lei X, Yu G, Li J, Zhu Y, Geelen D, Liu B. Ultraviolet attenuates centromere-mediated meiotic genome stability and alters gametophytic ploidy consistency in flowering plants. New Phytol. 2024 Jul 22. doi: 10.1111/nph.19978. (14/18)

2. Li L, Shi K, Gu Y, Xu Z, Shu C, Li D, Sun J, Cong M, Li X, Zhao X, Yu G, Hu S, Tan H, Qi J, Ma X, Liu K, Gao GF. Spike structures, receptor binding, and immune escape of recently circulating SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2.86, JN.1, EG.5, EG.5.1, and HV.1 sub-variants. Structure. 2024 Aug 8;32(8):1055-1067.e6. (11/17)

3. Shi K, Li L, Luo C, Xu Z, Huang B, Ma S, Liu K, Yu G*, Gao GF*.  Structural basis of increased binding affinities of spikes from SARS-CoV-Omicron variants to rabbit and hare ACE2s reveals the expanding host tendency.mBio. 2023, e0298823. doi: 10.1128/mbio.02988-23. (Co-Corresponding Author)

4. Zhou X, Zhang Q, Zhao Y, Ding S, Yu GH*. Integrated Multi-Omics Analyses Reveal That Autophagy-Mediated Cellular Metabolism Is Required for the Initiation of Pollen Germination. Int J Mol Sci. 2023, 24(19):15014. doi: 10.3390/ijms241915014. (Corresponding Author)

5. Fu HQ, Zhao JY, Ren ZM, Yang K, Wang C, Zhang XH, Elesawi IE, Zhang XH, Xia J, Chen CL, Lu P, Chen YX, Liu H, Yu GH, Liu B, Interfered chromosome pairing at high temperature promotes meiotic instability in autotetraploid Arabidopsis, Plant Physiology, 2022,188(2):1210-1228. (Joint Senior authors)

6. Zhou XM, Xiang Y, Li CL and Yu GH*Modulatory role of reactive oxygen species on root development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11:485932.(Corresponding Author)

7. Li CL, Song XY, Zhang QY,Gong HY,Yu GH*, Isolation and Identification of Symbiotic Bacteria from Brasenia schreberi and Analysis of their Polysaccharide Producing Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity[J]. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2020, 11(3):307-322.(Corresponding Author)

8. 张秋玉,陈晶,周雪妹,龚汉雨,余光辉.莼菜不同组织内生细菌多样性的比较分析.beat365英国正版学报(自然科学版)2022, 41(3): 285-291

9.余光辉, 涂奕霏, 李承龙, 周雪妹, 刘冰.植物GABA信号途径研究.beat365英国正版学报(自然科学版)2021, 40(5): 472-477

10.陈晶,张秋玉, 余光辉. 莼菜粗多糖对Hela细胞生长影响的初步研究. 中医学,2020,2:177-184


12.宫雅昕, 李刚, 余光辉*,气孔谱系细胞发育的分子基础及其调控机制.植物生理学报, 2019, 55 (11): 1607-1624

13、向宇,宫雅昕,李刚,余光辉*, ROS介导γ-氨基丁酸调控拟南芥根毛发育机制研究.beat365英国正版学报(自然科学版),2019,38(4):527-533

14. 陈意, 向宇, 余光辉*, 植物昼夜节律研究进展, 植物学研究, 2018, 7(3): 331-336.

15. 王圣洁,崔国鹏,覃瑞,刘虹,龚汉雨,李刚,余光辉. (2015). 拟南芥根端干细胞DNA甲基化的动态变化及其对γ-氨基丁酸响的模式研究.中国细胞生物学学报, 37(8): 1109–1114.

16. 崔国鹏, 王圣洁, 覃瑞, 刘虹, 龚汉雨, 李刚, 余光辉. (2015). 极性生长的细胞中胞嘧啶甲基化的动态变化及其对GABA信号的响应. 植物科学学报,33 (4): 521-527.

17. ,覃 瑞,戴甲培,余光辉. (2015). 神经系统表观遗传进展.千人·生物, 2, 1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/qrb.2015.21001

18. YGH, Zou J, Feng J, Wu JY, Peng XP,Wu YL, Palanivelu R, and Sun MX. (2014). Exogenous γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) affects pollen tube growth via modulating putative Ca2+-permeable membrane channels and is coupled to negative regulation on glutamate decarboxylase. Journal of Experimental Botany 65(12):3235-3248.

19. Yu GH, Tan YP, He XZ, Qin YH, Liang JG (2014). CLAVATA3 Dodecapeptide Modified CdTe Nanoparticles: A Biocompatible Quantum Dot Probe for In Vivo Labeling of Plant Stem Cells. PLoS ONE 9(2): e89241. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089241.

18. Xiang WH, Zhao L, Xu X, Qin XY and Yu GH. (2012). Mutual Information Flow between Beneficial Microorganisms and the Roots of Host Plants Determined the Bio-Functions of Biofertilizers. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 3 (8): 1115-1120. (Corresponding Author)

20. Liu CL, Zhao L, and Yu GH. (2011). The Dominant Glutamic Acid Metabolic Flux to Produce γ-amino Butyric Acid Over Proline in Nicotiana tabacum Leaves Under Water Stress Relates to its Significant Role of Antioxidant Activity. Integr. Plant Biol. 53 (8): 608–618. (Corresponding Author)

21. Ma ZW, Yu, GH. (2010). Phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is required for cytokinesis and progression of cell cycle in tobacco BY-2 cells. Journal of Plant Physiology. 167: 216-221. (Corresponding Author)

22. Fang HH, Ma,ZW, Li F, Yu, GH. (2009). A simplified RNA extraction method to study signal transduction in tobacco pollen tube growth. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. 42: 173-178. (Corresponding Author)

23. Yu GH, Sun MX. (2007). Deciphering the Possible Mechanism of GABA in Tobacco Pollen Tube Growth and Guidance. Plant Signalling & Behaviour. 2: 393-395.

24. Yu GH, Liang JG, He ZK, and Sun MX. (2006). Quantum Dot-Mediated Detection of γ-Amino butyric Acid Binding Sites on the Surface of Living Pollen Protoplasts in Tobacco. Chem. Biol. 13, 723-731 [Impact factor 6.16 in 2013]

25. Yu GH, Sun MX. (2006). Quantum Dots Light up Cell: Probing the Possible Receptor of GABA in Plants. Cell Research (Supplement). 16: S141-S142.


1.余光辉,岳涵,覃瑞,龚汉雨.一株产多糖的内生炭角菌UT-X菌株及其用途.2020.10.16,中国,国家知识产权局(ZL 2019.1 0068660.6);

2.余光辉,凡筱,覃瑞,龚汉雨.一株产多糖的肺尖嗜冷杆菌T-15菌株及其用途.2020.06.09,中国,国家知识产权局(ZL 2019.1 0068679.0);

3.余光辉,宫雅昕,覃瑞,龚汉雨.一株产多糖的小单孢菌YG-1菌株及其用途.2020.05.15,中国,国家知识产权局(ZL 2019.1 0069546.5);

4.余光辉.专利号:ZL201310243031.5.一种简便的植物BY2细胞冷冻保存方法. 授权日期:2014年11月26日


6.余光辉,谭艳平,崔国鹏.专利号:201310658666.1.一种多肽修饰的CdTe量子点的制备方法和用途. 授权日期:2015年6月4日

7.余光辉.申请号:201510100896.5.一种简易的种子灭菌方法及装置. 实审公布日期:2015年7月8日






