
发布时间:2019-12-23 浏览次数:










  • 教育及工作经历

    2019.3-至今:  beat365英国正版药学院,教授/博士生导师


    2014.5-2015.5:德国汉诺威大学生物分子药物研究中心,博士后,合作导师: Russell J. Cox

    2012.4-2014.4:日本东京大学药学院,JSPS外国特别研究员,合作导师: Ikuro Abe





  • 主要荣誉和获奖






  • 学术和社会兼职

    [1] 国际SCI期刊Journal of FungiIF=5.816),客座编辑(2022.4-2022.12

    [2] 国际期刊Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics,编委(2018-至今)

    [3] 中国民族医药学会健康产业分会,常务理事(2022.11-至今)

    [4] 中国植物学会药用植物及植物药专业委员会委员(2023.12-至今)

    [5] 中国菌物学会菌物化学专业委员会,委员(2018-至今)

    [6] 湖北省生物工程学会,理事(2021-至今)

    [7] 湖北省植物学会/武汉市植物学会,理事(2021-至今)

    [8] 青海省藏药研究重点实验室第二届学术委员会,委员(2022-至今)

    [9] 青海省高原天然产物工程技术研究中心,技术专家(2021-至今)

    [10] 中国科学院藏药研究重点实验室,客座研究员(2018 -至今)

    [11] 吉林大学,研究生校外合作导师(2019-至今)

    [12] 广西科学院,客座研究员(2020 -至今)

    [13] 新疆农业大学,硕士生导师(2021-至今)

    [14] 杨凌未来中科环保科技有限公司,技术总监(2021-至今)

    [15] 新疆阿拉山口市金陆工程项目管理有限公司科技创新板块,专家顾问(2022-至今)

    [16] 广西海洋天然产物与组合生物合成化学重点实验室学术委员会,委员(2018 -2020

    [17] 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,客座研究员(2018 -2021

    [18] 重庆市紫杉烷类药物工程技术研究中心专家委员会副主任 2016.10-2019.3

    [19] 曾担任重庆大学药学院党委委员和教工党支部书记(2016.12-2019.3

    [20] 曾担任重庆大学药学院药物分析、药物设计与天然药物学系副主任(2018.10-2019.3

    [21] 受邀担任Advanced Science, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Small, J. Org. Chem., Org. Biomol. Chem., J. Nat. Prod., Front. Microbiol., Int. J. Mol. Sci., J. Pharm. Pharmaco., Metabolites, J. Cell Mol. Med., Phytochemistry等多个SCI期刊审稿人。



  • 教学工作



  • 承担科研或人才项目

    [1] 国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才计划190万,2023.1-2025.12,主持,在研。

    [2] 国家重点研发计划中医药现代化研究重点专项子课题白术、菊花和百合产地溯源检测数据集构建2020YFC1712703),266.73万,2020.10-2022.9,主持,结题。

    [3] 国家重点研发计划“食品营养与安全关键技术研发”专项子课题:风险因子智能挖掘与多维表征(2023YFF1104001),95万元,2023. 12 -2027.12,主持,在研。

    [4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于MDM2/mTOR双靶点的植物内生真菌中新颖结构抗三阴乳腺癌活性分子发现及其作用机制研究(82473805)48万元,2025.01-2028.12,主持,在研。

    [5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目基因组挖掘驱动的翘孢霉属真菌中隐形聚酮-非核糖体肽类化合物的发现及其生物合成研究(82073714)55万元,2021.01-2024.12,主持,在研。

    [6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目表观遗传修饰策略驱动的11株植物内生真菌中新型抗耐药菌活性分子合成潜能的挖掘(81872755) 57万元,2019.01-2022.12,主持,结题。

    [7] 国家自然科学青年基金:拟盘多毛孢内生真菌中抗肿瘤活性先导化合物的发现及活性评价 (21202033) 25万元,2013.01-2015.12,主持,结题。

    [8] 国家民委中青年英才培养计划项目:两株药用植物内生真菌中新型抗肿瘤药物先导结构的发现及其作用机制研究,10万元,2021.01-2022.12,主持,结题。

    [9] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金重点培育项目:六种药用植物内生真菌中新型抗耐药性细菌药物先导化合物的发现(CZP20007), 40万,2020.1-2022.12,主持,结题。

    [10] 河北省自然科学基金:特殊生境真菌中结构新奇化学成分的发现及抗真菌活性研究 (C2012201047) 3万元,2012.01-2015.01,主持,结题。

    [11] 中国科学院藏药研究重点实验室开放课题:青藏高原特境真菌资源库构建及药用活性分子发现 (2017-ZJ-Y11)5万元,2018.11-2019.12,主持,结题。

    [12] 重庆大学百人计划学者引进启动基金:特殊生境真菌资源库的构建及新颖结构药用活性物质的挖掘 (0236011104401) 100万元,2016-2019,主持,结题。

    [13] 横向课题:抗菌消炎类物质的发现及其在新型烟草中的应用研究, 79万元,2019.9-2021.2,主持,结题。

    [14] 横向课题:病害丹参应激化学成分及其抗病活性研究,25万元,2018.12-2019.12,主持,结题。

    [15] 横向课题:一株假单胞细菌代谢产物的活性检测及分离鉴定, 15万元,2020.3-2021.1,主持,结题。

    [16] 横向课题:产紫衫醇微生物的发现及产业化研究(02360126051001)100万元,2016.05-2017.12,主持,结题。

    [17] 横向课题:浙产铁皮石斛活性成分提取和分离研究(HZY23027)30万元,2023.3-2023.12,主持,结题。



  • 著作

    [1] 《民族植物资源化学与生物活性研究》20222月,化学工业出版社,第一主编


    [3] 《科普:神奇世界的解密者》数字课程,20234月,电子工业出版社,副主编

    [4] 《武陵山区药用及食用植物资源-湖北册》,202310月,化学工业出版社,副主编


  • 论文发表

    迄今,在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Sci., Nat. Prod. Rep., Org. Lett., Cell Death Dis., J. Nutri. Biochem.等本领域权威期刊上发表学术论文120余篇,其中SCI收录论文101篇。

  • 5年代表性SCI论文

    [1] Qing-Pei Liu#, Shuai-Biao Gao#, Jin Fang#, Yi-Fu Gong, Yi-Ling Zheng, Yao Xu, Dan Zhang, Jia-Yuan Wei, Liang-Xiu Liao, Ming Yao, Wen-Jing Wang, Xiao-Le Han, Fu-Sheng Chen, István Molnár*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Novel fungal diphenyl ether biosynthetic gene clusters encode a promiscuous oxidase for elevated antibacterial activities. Chemical Science, 2024, 15: 14248.

    [2] Ming Yao, Wei Yang, Jing Li, Cheng-Yun Huang, Jin Fang, Su-Lu Qin, Shu-Zhi Liu, Xiao-Long Yang*. Total synthesis and stereochemical assignment of talaroconvolutin A and talarofuranone: gram-scale synthesis of ferroptosis inducer talaroconvolutin A. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2024, 42, 1509-1514.

    [3] Ting Wu#, Wen-Jing Wang#, Zhou-Yuan Li, Yi-Tian Liu, Tian-Ping Yu, Shuang-Ge Li, Hong-Zhi Du, Chun Gui, Da-Hui Liu*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Anti-inflammatory discovery of sesquiterpenoids and a jasmonic acid derivative from Artemisia stolonifera. Phytochemistry, 2024, 223:114120.

    [4] Liang-Xiu Liao, Jun-Guo Huang, Qing-Pei Liu, Ming Yao, Wen-Jing Wang*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Two new quinazoline alkaloids produced by Aspergillus versicolor and their antimicrobial activities. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2024, 26: 320-327.

    [5] Xu Chen, Zheng-Ping Che, Jia-Jia Wu, Cheng Zeng, Xiao-long Yang*, Lin Zhang*, Zheng-Hong Lin*. Sterigmatocystin induces autophagic and apoptotic cell death of liver cancer cells via downregulation of XIAP. Heliyon, 2024, 10: e29567.

    [6] Shu-Zhi Liu#, Wen-Jing Wang#, Qing-Pei Liu, Ming Yao, Liang-Xiu Liao, Shuai-Biao Gao, Yi Yu, Xiao-Long Yang*. Emerindanols A and B: two bipolyhydroindenol sesterterpenes with unprecedented 5/6-6/5 coupled ring system discovered by genome mining. Organic Letters, 2024, 26:4475-4479

    [7] Xin-Tian Wang, Heng-Ye Chen, Yao Fan, Wei Lan, Juan He, Hai-Yan Fu*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Atractylodin targeted visual fluorescence sensor based on N-acetyl-L-cysteine capped CdTe QDs for the rapid identification of the geographical origin of Atractylodis Rhizome. Microchemical Journal, 2024, 201: 110508.

    [8] Qing-Pei Liu, Dan Zhang, Shuai-Biao Gao, Xian-Hua Cai, Ming Yao, Yao Xu, Yi-Fu Gong, Ke Zheng, Yi-Gui Mao, Li-Yan Yang, Deng-Feng Yang, István Molnár*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Didepside formation by the nonreducing polyketide synthase Preu6 of Preussia isomera requires the interaction of the starter acyl transferase and the thioesterase domains. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, 135: e202214379.

    [9] Yong Xia#*, Long-Quan Xiang#, Ming Yao, Zhi-Ying Ai, Wei Yang, Jian-Hua Guo, Shu-Hao Fan, Ning Liu, Xiao-Long Yang*. Proteomics, transcriptomics, and phosphoproteomics reveal the mechanism of talaroconvolutin-A suppressing bladder cancer via blocking cell cycle and triggering ferroptosis. Molecular & Cellular Proreomics, 2023, 22: 100672.

    [10] Liang-Xiu Liao, Ze-Diao Huang, Fu-Ting Wei, Wen-Jing Wang*, Xiao-Long Yang*. New chromone analog and pyrrole alkaloid produced by Penicillium sclerotiorum and their antibacterial activity. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2023, 25:225-230.

    [11] Ming Yao, Xiu-Yun Bai, Fa-Min Wen, Kai-Hui Liu, Jian Yang, Heng-Ye Chen*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Accurate origin identification of Chinese white Chrysanthemi Flos by analysis of C, N, O, H stable isotope ratios and mineral elements combined with chemometrics. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2023, 124:105703

    [12] Su-Lu Qin, Jia-Xin Ding, Cheng-Yun Huang, Jing Li, Ming Yao, Qing-Pei Liu, Wen-Jing Wang*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Secondary metabolites from Pseudallescheria boydii and their anti-melanoma activity. Tetrahedron, 2023, 147: 133663.

    [13] Jing Li*, Sheng-Ping Jiang, Cheng-Yun Huang, Bai-Hui Lu, Xiao-Long Yang*. Identification and validation of genes associated with aging- related cardiovascular disease. The FASEB Journal, 2023, 38: e23370.

    [14] Jing Li#, Ying-Jiang Zhang#, Xin Zeng, Ya-Hong Cheng, Liu Tang, Hong Ding*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Lycopene ameliorates insulin resistance and increases muscle capillary density in aging via activation of SIRT1. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2022, 99:108862.

    [15] Qing-Pei Liu#,*, Dan Zhang#, Yao Xu, Shuai-Biao Gao, Yi-Fu Gong, Xian-Hua Cai, Ming Yao*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Cloning and functional characterization of the polyketide synthases based on genome mining of Preussia isomera XL-1326. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13: 819086

    [16] Peng-Jie Xian#, Shu-Zhi Liu#, Wen-Jing Wang, Sheng-Xiang Yang, Zhang Feng*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Undescribed specialised metabolites from the endophytic fungus Emericella sp. XL029 and their antimicrobial activities. Phytochemistry, 2022, 202: 113303.

    [17] Wen-Jing Wang#, Liang-Xiu Liao#, Ze-Diao Huang, Fu-Ting Wei, Xiao-Long Yang*. Thiazolo[5,4-b]pyridine alkaloid and seven ar-bisabol sesquiterpenes produced by the endophytic fungus Penicillium janthinellum. ACS Omega, 2022, 7: 35280-35287.

    [18] Jing Li, Xin Zeng, Xiao-Long Yang*, Hong Ding*. Lycopene ameliorates skin aging by regulation of the insulin resistance pathway and activation of SIRT1, Food & Function, 2022, 13:11307.

    [19] Li Wang, Yi-Gui Mao, Xiang Zeng, Na Liu, Chao-Fei NiuXin-Xin Li, Bi-Ji Ma*, Lan-Ping Guo*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Structure and bioactivities of a novel polysaccharide extracted from Dendrobium huoshanense by subcritical water. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9:877871.

    [20] Xiao-Le Han*,#, Fan Yu#, Jia-Wen Lei, Jia-Hua Zhu, Hai-Yan Fu, Jun-Cheng Hu, Xiao-Long Yang*. Pb2+ responsive Cu-In-Zn-S quantum dots with low cytotoxicity. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2022, 10: 821392.

    [21] Liang-Xiu Liao, Ze-Diao Huang, Fu-Ting Wei, Wen-Jing Wang*, Xiao-Long Yang*. New chromone analog and pyrrole alkaloid produced by Penicillium sclerotiorum and their antibacterial activity. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2022, doi: /10.1080/10286020.2022.2084585.

    [22] Jing-Fang Xiao, Qing-Hua Ma, Rui-Li Cai, Jing-Ya Miao, Ze-Xuan Yan, Xiao-Long Yang*, Ye-Miao Chen*. Acute anti-cancer activity of crude extracts from two endophytic fungi Chaetomium cochliodes and Penicillium sp. in cancer cell lines and mice. International Journal of Pharmacology, 2022, 18: 1583-1592.

    [23] Jing Li, Sheng-Ping Jiang, Cheng-Yun Huang, Xiao-long Yang*. Atraric acid ameliorates hyperpigmentation through the down-regulation of MC1R/PKA/CREB signaling pathway. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022. (In press)

    [24] Qing-Pei Liu, Si-Yu Zhong, Xin-Rui Wang, Shuai-Biao Gao, Xiao-Long Yang*, Fu-Sheng Chen*, István Molnár*. An integrated approach to determine the boundaries of the azaphilone pigment biosynthetic gene cluster of Monascus ruber M7 grown on potato dextrose agar. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12:680629.

    [25] Jun-Yan Qu, Cheng Zeng, Ting-Ting Zou, Xu Chen, Xiao-Long Yang*, Zheng-Hong Lin*. Autophagy induction by trichodermic acid attenuates endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis in colon. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22: 5566.

    [26] Qing-Lin Mou, Sheng-Xiang Yang, Ting-Xiang, Wen-Wen Liu, Jian Yang, Lan-Ping Guo*, Wen-Jing Wang*, and Xiao-Long Yang*. New cytochalasan alkaloids and cyclobutane dimer from an endophytic fungus Cytospora chrysosperma in Hippophae rhamnoides and their antimicrobial activities. Tetrahedron Letters, 2021, 87: 153207.

    [27] Peng-Jie Xian, Heng-Ye Chen, Zhang Feng*, Wei Zhao*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Capsulactone: a new 4-hydroxy-α-pyrone derivative from an endophytic fungus Penicillium capsulatum and its antimicrobial activity. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2021, 23: 1100-1106.

    [28] Wen-Ting Zhao#, Xiong Shi#, Peng-Jie Xian, Zhang Feng*, Jian Yang*, Xiao-Long Yang*. A new fusicoccane diterpene and a new polyene from the plant endophytic fungus Talaromyces pinophilus and their antimicrobial activities. Natural Product Research, 2021, 35:124-130.

    [29] Ze-Diao Huang, Wen-Jing Wang, Xiao-Le Han*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Three new hydroxyphenylacetic acid derivatives and a new alkaloid from an endophytic fungus Mortierella sp. in Epimedium acuminatum Franch. and their antibacterial activity. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2021, 18: e202100741.

    [30] Yong Xia*, Shu-Zhi Liu, Chang-Lin Li, Zhi-Ying Ai, Wen-Zhi Shen, Wen-Qi Ren, Xiao-Long Yang*. Discovery of a novel ferroptosis inducer - talaroconvolutin A - killing colorectal cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Cell Death & Disease, 2020, 11:988.

    [31] Wen-Ting Zhao#, Qing-Pei Liu#, Heng-Ye Chen, Wei Zhao*, Yuan Gao*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Two novel eremophylane acetophenone conjugates from Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, an endophytic fungus in Salvia miltiorrhiza. Fitoterapia, 2020, 141: 104474.

    [32] Hai-Li Chen#, Wen-Ting Zhao#, Qing-Pei Liu, Heng-Ye Chen, Wei Zhao*, Deng-Feng Yang*, Xiao-Long Yang*. (±)-Preisomide: A new alkaloid featuring a rare naturally occurring tetrahydro-2H-1,2-oxazin skeleton from an endophytic fungus Preussia isomera by using OSMAC strategy. Fitoterapia, 2020, 141: 104475.

    [33] Sheng-Xiang Yang#, Jing-Fang Xiao#, Ting-Kai Liu, Ze-Diao Huang, Xiang Li, Ye-Miao Chen#, Xiao-Long Yang*. A 3D screening approach identifies the compound epitajixanthone hydrate as a new inhibitor of cancer cell growth and invasion. Anti-cancer Drugs, 2020, 31(9):890-899.

    [34] Xiao-Long Yang, Steffen Friedrich, Sen Yin, Oliver Piech, Katherine Williams, Thomas J. Simpson, Russell J. Cox*. Molecular basis of methylation and chain-length programming in a fungal iterative highly reducing polyketide synthase. Chemical Science, 2019, 10, 8478–8489.

    [35] Lu-Lin Xu#, Hai-Li Chen#, Ping Hai, Yuan Gao, Chuan-Dong Xie, Xiao-Long Yang*, Ikuro Abe*. (+)- and ()-Preuisolactone A: A pair of caged norsesquiterpenoidal enantiomers with a tricyclo[4.4.01,6.02,8]decane carbon skeleton from the endophytic fungus Preussia isomera. Organic Letters, 2019, 21, 10781081.

    [36] Lu-Lin Xu, Ping Hai, Shuai-Bing Zhang, Jing-Fang Xiao, Yuan Gao, Bing-Ji Ma, Hai-Yan Fu*, Ye-Miao Chen*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Prenylated Indole Diterpene Alkaloids from a Mine Soil-derived Tolypocladium sp. Journal of Natural Products, 2019, 82: 221-231.

    [37] Heng-Ye Chen#, Ting-Kai Liu#, Jian Yang,* Xiao-Long Yang*. Emerones A-C: Three novel merosesquiterpenoids with unprecedented skeletons from Emericella sp. XL029. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2019, 17: 8450 -8455.

    [38] Sheng-Xiang Yang#, Wen-Ting Zhao#, Heng-Ye Chen, Lei Zhang, Ting-Kai Liu, He-Ping Chen*, Jian Yang*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Aureonitols A and B, two new C13-polyketides from Chaetomium globosum, an endophytic fungus in Salvia miltiorrhiza. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2019, 16: e1900364.

    [39] Wei Zhao, Hai-Li Chen, Liu Hong, Xia Zhang, Xian-Jun Jiang, Dong-Lai Zhu*, Fei Wang*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Five new polyphenolic derivatives with antimicrobial activities from the root barks of Periploca sepium. Fitoterapia, 2019, 137: 104254.

    [40] Heng-Ye Chen, Ting-Kai Liu, Qiong Shi, Xiao-Long Yang*. Sesquiterpenoids and diterpenes with antimicrobial activity from Leptosphaeria sp. XL026, an endophytic fungus in Panax notoginseng. Fitoterapia, 2019, 137: 104243.

    [41] Lu-Lin Xu#, Xue-Jiao Pang#, Qiong Shi, Peng-Jie Xian, Yan-Duo Tao*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Two new prenylated indole diterpenoids from Tolypocladium sp. and their antimicrobial activities. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2019, 16: e1900116.

    [42] Dan Xu, Xia Zhang, Xiong Shi, Peng-Jie Xian, Liu Hong, Yan-Duo Tao*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Two new cytochalasans from the marine sediment-derived fungus Westerdykella dispersa and their antibacterial activities. Phytochemistry Letters, 2019, 32: 52-55.

    [43] Xia Zhang#, Hai-Li Chen#, Liu Hong, Lu-Lin Xu, Xiao-Wei Gong, Dong-Lai Zhu, Xiao-Hua Xu, Wei Zhao*, Fei Wang*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Three new hopane-type triterpenoids from the aerial part of Adiantum capillus-veneris and their antimicrobial activities. Fitoterapia, 2019, 133: 146-149.

    [44] Ting Zhao, Lu-Lin Xu, Yan Zhang, Zheng-Hong Lin, Tao Xia, Deng-Feng Yang*, Ye-Miao Chen*, Xiao-Long Yang *. Three new α-pyrone derivatives from the plant endophytic fungus Penicillium ochrochloron and their antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic activities. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2019, 21: 851-858.

    [45] Wei Zhao, Xiao-Wei Gong, Yuan-Xing Duan, Ji Yang, Xia Wu, Xian-Jun Jiang, Xiao-Hua Xu, Yong-Kuan Chen, Liu Yang*, Fei Wang*, Xiao-Long Yang*. Two new triterpenoids with antimicrobial activity from the leaves and twigs of Orophea yunnanensis. Natural Product Research, 2019, 33: 3472-3477.

  • 已获授权专利

    [1] 杨小龙,时琼,付海燕,杨天鸣. 一种基于量子点和纳米金的赖氨酸检测方法.授权日期:2019.12.24,授权专利号:ZL 201910104575.0,中国发明专利。

    [2] 夏勇,杨小龙. Talaroconvolutin A在抗癌药物或食品中的应用. 授权日期:2021.06.29,授权专利号:ZL 202010549488.9,中国发明专利。

    [3] 陈叶苗,卞修武,肖靖芳,杨小龙,田甘,姚月良. 一种肿瘤细胞球的制备方法和应用. 授权日期:2020.03.31,授权专利号:ZL 201710962039.5,中国发明专利。

    [4] 杨小龙,牟青林,王文静,向婷. 具有抗临床耐药性细菌功能的新型细胞松弛素及其制备方法. 授权日期:2022.10.21,授权专利号:ZL 202110385287.4,中国发明专利。

    [5] 杨小龙,时琼,付海燕,杨天鸣. 一种纳米卟啉催化剂及利用其催化TMB显色的方法. 授权日期:2022.04.29,授权专利号:ZL 201910107765.8,中国发明专利。

    [6] 刘庆培,杨小龙,张丹,徐瑶. 聚酮合酶Preu3及其在制备2,4-二羟基-3,6-二甲基苯甲酸中的应用. 授权日期:2022.11.29,授权专利号: ZL 202110910678.3,中国发明专利。

    [7] 杨小龙,刘庆培,徐瑶,张丹. 聚酮合酶PreuA及其在制备红粉苔酸中的应用. 授权日期:2022.11.29,授权专利号: ZL 202110820221.3,中国发明专利。

    [8] 杨小龙, 王森林, 刘文, 宋沙沙, 吴彦, 武红帽. 一种茄链格孢菌及其应用. 授权日期:2023.04.28,申请号: ZL 202110950402.8,中国发明专利。

    [9] 杨小龙, 王森林, 刘文, 宋沙沙, 吴彦, 武红帽. 一种细极链格孢菌株及其应用. 授权日期:2023.07.28,授权专利号: ZL 202110951437.3,中国发明专利。

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